EGERTER SOFTWARE Telephone / FAX : 1-(519)641-7542 94 Andover Drive Barry or Chris Egerter London, Ontario CANADA N6J 3X2 Try our web site: for FREE EVAULATION VERSIONS! WGT for Turbo / Borland C/C++ Product Order Form (All products shipped on 3.5" HD diskettes, prices valid until Dec. 96) (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Date: ________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________________ Street Address:_______________________________________________________________ City/State: _____________________________Country: ________________________ Postal/ZIP Code:_____________________ Home Phone #: ________________________ Business Phone #: ________________________ FAX #: ________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________________ Where you first heard about WGT: _____________________________________________ PRODUCT # DESCRIPTION PRICE QUANTITY TOTAL 001 WGT 4.5 Main System $ 80.00 US 002 WGT 4.5 Upgrade ($80 minus what you paid previously) 007 DSIK Borland Pascal $ 30.00 US 008 DSIK BC/TC $ 30.00 US 009 WGT 4.5 Source Code $2000.00 US (does not include source for map and sprite editors) Shipping $ 3.00 US $ 3.00 US ---------- Total enclosed $ US _____________________________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE CANADA Payment: ( ) CHEQUE - No Overseas cheques (see Method of Payment) ( ) MONEY ORDER (see Method of Payment) ( ) VISA # __________________________ Expiry__________________________ (VISA will be processed in Canadian funds, MC not accepted) ( ) BANK DRAFT TOTAL ENCLOSED: ___________________________________________ $ U.S. (This total represents Borland products) _____________________________________________________________________________ ORDERS FROM CANADA U.S. Dollar Total (above) $______________ Exchange rate (US value) x ______________ Amount Enclosed $______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Source code packages include full source for the desired product, as well as a registered copy of the executables or libraries. Registration of source code does not entitle licensee to market similar products. Support will not be provided for altered source code, only the original contents of the package. Contact us personally for further details. EGERTER SOFTWARE Telephone / FAX : 1-(519)641-7542 94 Andover Drive Barry or Chris Egerter London, Ontario CANADA N6J 3X2 Try our web site: for FREE EVAULATION VERSIONS! WGT 5.1 for Watcom 10.x C/C++ Product Order Form (All products shipped on 3.5" HD diskettes, prices valid until Dec. 96) (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Date: ________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________________ Street Address:_______________________________________________________________ City/State: _____________________________Country: ________________________ Postal/ZIP Code:_____________________ Home Phone #: ________________________ Business Phone #: ________________________ FAX #: ________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________________ Where you first heard about WGT: _____________________________________________ PRODUCT # DESCRIPTION PRICE QTY TOTAL 014 WGT 5.1 $ 300.00 US 018 WGT 5.1 (student discount OR $ 200.00 US competitive upgrade) 016 WGT 5.1 Source Code $4000.00 US 017 Additional Computer License $ 50.00 US and printed manual Shipping $ 15.00 US 15.00 ---------- Total enclosed $ US _____________________________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE CANADA Payment: ( ) CHEQUE - No Overseas cheques (see Method of Payment) ( ) MONEY ORDER (see Method of Payment) ( ) VISA # __________________________ Expiry__________________________ (VISA will be processed in Canadian funds, MC not accepted) ( ) BANK DRAFT TOTAL ENCLOSED: ___________________________________________ $ U.S. (This total represents Watcom products) _____________________________________________________________________________ ORDERS FROM CANADA U.S. Dollar Total (above) $______________ Exchange rate (US value) x ______________ Amount Enclosed $______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Source code packages include full source for the desired product, as well as a registered copy of the executables or libraries. Registration of source code does not entitle licensee to market similar products. Support will not be provided for altered source code, only the original contents of the package. Contact us personally for further details. Watcom C/C++ 10.x Product Listing WGT 5.1 Commercial Graphics Library Package All packages include: -Protected mode versions of Sprite Editor and Map Maker utilities -Libraries included: Main WGT 5.1 system, Serial/Modem communications, joystick, 8 way scrolling, SVGA, drop-down menus, sprites, FLI/FLC, basic 3D rotations, file selector, 3D rendering -Source code to drop-down menu library -Source code to sprite library -Source code to scrolling library -Source code to 3D Rendering Engine (C portions only) -Source code to serial/modem communications library -405 pages of printed documentation -Technical support through Email, BBS, FAX, and voice mail Product Details FOR WGT 5.1 Graphics Libraries 014- Standard Developer's License $ 300.00 US Allows distribution of unlimited shareware or commercial products produced with WGT 5.1. A registered copy of each product must be shipped to Egerter Software. Freeware programs are not considered a "product". See the royalty NOTICE at the bottom of this page. 016- Source Code License $ 4000.00 US Includes source code for every program and library in the WGT 5.1 system. No further licensing is required. Two copies of each product produced must be shipped to Egerter Software. See the royalty NOTICE below. Includes source for the Map and Sprite Editors. 017- Additional Terminal License $ 50.00 US Use of the WGT 5.1 system or source by more than one person requires the purchase of additional licenses. Each license entitles one (1) additional user to access the code and programs. This restriction includes client/server models. You will receive an extra manual for each additional terminal license. NOTICE **** A royalty of 3% of net profits must be paid to Egerter Software for every commercial product created using WGT 5.1. Payments must be made bi-monthly. This fee applies to all of the above license agreements. Shareware and freeware products do not require royalty payments. Upgrades from standard to source code licenses may be made at any time at a cost of the difference between license fees. No refunds will be allowed once a package has been shipped (due to the inclusion of source code). Prices valid until December 31, 1996. Borland/Turbo C/C++ Product Listing 001- WGT 4.5 $ 80.00 US This is the most popular product we sell. It is a library of graphics routines which are designed for 320x200x256 VGA mode. It also supports VESA routines for hi-res 256 color graphics up to 1024x768. Libraries for joystick, scrolling, SVGA, drop-down menus, FLI/FLC, 3D graphics, sprites, etc are included. No royalties are required for products produced with this system. 007- Digital Sound Interface Kit for Borland Pascal $ 30.00 US A Pascal TPU file which allows your sound card to play up to 16 channels of digital sound or music during your programs. You have full control over panning and volume on all channels. Supports SB / SB Pro / SB16 / GUS / PAS. Song formats such as MOD / S3M / 669 / STM / MTM / DSM are supported as well as WAV and RAW sample formats. Requires a sound card and 386+ CPU. 008- Digital Sound Interface Kit for Borland or Turbo C/C++ $ 30.00 US Same as #007 above, but stored as a LIB file to be included in projects. 009- WGT Source Code (for Borland/Turbo C/C++) $2000.00 US This package includes full C and ASM code for the entire WGT system. This code may not be used to create similar products to the WGT system (graphics libraries or sprite/map editors). The following programs are included with WGT 5.1 and WGT 4.5: 002- Sprite Editor This paint program can be used to create several thousand images which can be saved as one file. Full featured editor allows zoom, cut/paste, rotate, animate, palette customization, mouse cursor design, font creation, image importing, etc. Saves sprite files used in the WGT main system. 003- Map Maker Design worlds for the WGT scrolling library using up to 256 tiles per map. Tiles may be up to 64x64 pixels in size, and up to 2000 objects may be placed on the map. EMS memory is utilized for extra storage space. Saves WGT source code for quick game-creation. Requires Sprite Editor for drawing tiles and sprites. Prices valid until December 31, 1996. METHOD OF PAYMENT Overseas Customers - No personal cheques Pay in U.S. dollars 1. International Money Order 2. VISA U.S. Customers - No Credit Union cheques 1. Cheque 2. Money Order (Bank or Postal) 3. VISA 4. Bank Draft Canadian Customers - Tax included in price Pay in Canadian funds based on current exchange rate 1. Cheque 2. Money Order (Bank or Postal) 3. VISA 4. Bank Draft